5th Symposium on Advances in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy

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Organizer: Hellenic Society of Immuno - Oncology

The Hellenic Society of Immuno-Oncology organizes the 5th Symposium on Advances in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, which will be held on December 5-7, 2019, in Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens, Greece.

The 5th Symposium aims to bring together many of the leading researchers and clinicians in Europe and the US to report on most recent advances made in cancer immunology and immunotherapy. Our main objectives are to gather, share and exchange experiences and ideas; translate and extend this knowledge to the clinic; promote interactions between speakers and participants and encourage stimulating discussions; provide network opportunities and stimulate new collaborations.

On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, we are pleased to invite you to participate in this Symposium. We hope that you will share this event within your community and invite your colleagues and students to take part as well.

We very much look forward seeing you this December in Athens.

    Last Name (*)

    First Name (*)

    Email (*)

    ePoster/eAbstract Title (*)

    Symposium Venue

    Royal Olympic Hotel

    Athens 28-34, AthanasiouDiakou Str., 117 43, Athens, GREECE
    Tel.: +30 210 92.88.400 Fax: +30 210 92.33.317
    E-mail: info@royalolympic.com


    Registration Fees

     Undergraduate students and postgraduate students 0€*
     PhD students 0€*
     Post-docs and MD 200€
     Residents 0€

    * Proof of status is required (A proof of status is an official letter written in English by the Head of the University on official University letterhead).


    Royal Olympic Hotel 
    28-34, Athanasiou Diakou Str., Athens
    Single room: 125€

      Last Name(*)

      Address (*)

      Postal Code (*)

      Town (*)

      Country (*)

      Mobile (*)

      Email (*)

      First Name (*)

      Hospital / Institution (*)

      Full Scientific Title (*)


      Royal Olympic Hotel

      Athens 28-34, AthanasiouDiakou Str., 117 43, Athens, GREECE
      Tel.: +30 210 92.88.400 Fax: +30 210 92.33.317
      E-mail: info@royalolympic.com